Welcome to the Coffee Bar!

The Coffee Bar is Amber’s favorite Coffee Shop, as they serve coffees of any and all kinds, offer alcoholic beverages, offer various kinds of Donuts, and milkshakes, related to coffee. It also offers tea, hot cocoa, as well Milk, Apple Juice, and Chocolate Milk for the Kids. It’s a small Shop, with only 5 employees, who work and Live there, as their rooms are in the back. They are, The Manager, The Waiter, the Bartender, the Chef, and The Brewstess. The Manager is the one who owns the Building, and Also works as the DishWasher, And Cookware Preparer, as that’s her mastery. The Waitress is as her name implies, The Waitress of the Place, for those not sitting at either Bar. The Bartender as her Title Implies, Manages the Alcoholic Bar, and makes the Alcoholic Drinks. The Chef, Is the Woman who prepares all the Donuts, Milkshakes, Ice Cream related desserts, and everything not Directly liquid. The Brewstess is the Bartender’s Sister, and Maintains the second Bar, where all Non Alcoholic coffee drinks are Prepared. One of their Best Customers is Amber. Other best Customers include Mary, Zrashna and Ashra’Vashnee, Wade Barnes, The Mooclaustria Siblings, and On a very Rare occasion, The Sorrow Twins themselves! They even have a system in place where their customers can make their own Drink by asking for specific things. They Even have a Few Challenges, Like the Gut Rot Coffee Challenge, where A Customer Has to down an entire Pot of Coffee that’s been run through 5 times, each time with a brand new coffee filter, with 6 scoops of fresh Coffee grounds, each time it’s filtered through. There are also a few Guess How much is in this Jar Challenges, One of which, being the Guess How many pounds of Sugar are in this Jar, Offers a great reward, that being a single drink Free, no matter the size, as long as the size is within reason. This includes the Build your own Drink Drinks. The 5 of them appear Humanoid, but are all Actually Monster girls. The Manager Being A Spider girl, The Waitress Being a Snake Girl, The Chef being an Octopus Girl, the Bartender being A Bird Girl, Specifically a Flamingo Swan hybrid, And the Brewstess being a Hydra Dragon Girl. Underneath the Coffee shop is a Series of rooms and Caves, where the Other Employees live, such as A Molten animatronic Girl, an Anthropomorphic Butterfly Leviathan Girl, A Neko, And a Centaur, as well as a Butterfly girl. These 5 are the backup Employees, who also help if there are too many people for the main cast to Handle. There is also a Ghost girl, who is HIGHLY dangerous, but very cute. She is basically a possessor, Poltergeist, and Vengeful Spirit, all bundled up in one.