Deer Lord... Literally!

“Your Submission is Admirable.”

-Deer Lord during a chase.

Deer Lord is Tirsiak’s older, Much more Eerie, Brother. Deer Lord, Normally Referred to as Deer, by his Sister, Is a Very Tall Entity, standing at 10 foot 8 inches. Counting his Antlers, He’s about 12 foot 3 inches. His Head Appears to be That of a Deer’s, But Black and Grey, with Black eyes with White Pupils. His Antlers Are Rather Large, as well. He Wears a Pure Black Cloak, that Covers his Entire body, from the head down, But when he Opens his cloak, It is Shown that his Body is incredibly Rotten/Damaged, As His Stomach area is completely gone, just his spinal cord holding his upper body up. His Legs are More or less Just Fleshy, blackened Bone, As are his Arms, and his Arms end in claws. The other, very creepy thing that will soon be noticed, is that just like his inspiration, The Souls of his Victims are inside of his cloak, Floating around his Body as Faces with a variety of Expressions, Only Visible when his Cloak is opened. He Is Actually Kind of Kind to those he Views as Prey, Even calling them Admirable. However, he also makes a point to Hammer in the Uselessness of Fleeing from him, as If they manage to escape, they’ll only die to something worse. He Will Occasionally Hunt WITH Tirsiak, And Them Together is Quite the Formidable Opponent. Another thing is that Just like his Inspiration’s Location, Deer can be found grazing in His Warm woods. These are not normal deer in the Slightest however, as once they are approached, They’ll charge Forward and Attack with bites, attempting to maul their Prey to death. If Deer Lord gets Angry Enough, He’ll summon These deers to chase down and Wound his prey, slowing them down. Though, The Deers can be killed with a single strike from the Axe. Deer Lord is Less of a Fighter, and More of an Extremely Eerie Observer, Watching over his Prey from a Distance, and Making sure that they are Aware, in the backs of their minds, that he is there, Watching them. Deer Lord’s voice is QUITE creepy, as is the Almost Pretty Gramophone Music that Acts as his Chase theme. He is Not a talker, and Again, will just watch. Tirsiak Herself Really Truly loves her brother, and is About the Only One able to Bring out Her Brother’s Friendlier side. Also, Finding Deer Lord is actually shockingly hard, as He, just like his inspiration, resides in this black and white Room, Down the Hall in the Middle. This hall cannot be Entered, as just entering the room begins a chase, unless it’s Tirsiak Who Enters. In fact, It’s highly Recommended that It is Tirsiak who goes and Brings out Deer Lord.