
Created by Suski, The Megalab is a fusion of the Labs of Professor Zyconeiam, Professor DreBal, Professor Requesetim, Corrupted, and Cynthia. It was made for the purpose of being a place where all five of them could work together. When needed. It also held Extra Stuff. There is a Main room with chairs and tables, for planning, and Five Offshoot sections, which are parts of Each Lab, labeled with the name of the owner of the Lab. There are strict rules here, Everyone must wear long pants that go to the ankles, closed-toed shoes, Lab Coat, Gloves, and safety glasses, no exceptions. If a section does not have someone operating it, it is off limits to any guests. Each lab has a purpose, Corrupted seems to be blood and family history, Oscar is Genetics and finding oddities. Allison’s is Liquid Substances and transformations, plus making potions for transformation, Cynthia’s is Chemicals and bodily reactions to them, and the Professor is Mechanical Engineering with a side of Antidote serums.” Then there are the extras. For example, C.C. 's area, dedicated to Odd Biology in terms of Part Animal people, and then The eerie Area belonging to Zara, Which is about Anatomy and Biology. It is mostly clean, but the bloody stuff is still visible. It is part of the Professor’s Area. The medical table has fresh splatters of blood on it too. The deeper it goes into the area, the bloodier it becomes, with bloody handprints, and in the back, a room with blood everywhere, Zara’s Butchering Room.

The Scientists Group:

These are the Members of the Scientists Group. Some names will be recognized quickly, others will not.