Caution over Casualty

Dealing with Radioactive Materials, Dangerous Gasses and Fuming Chemicals, Transformative Substances that cause transformations just by inhaling their fumes, and studying all three, Dr. Hazmat has quite the job. Dr. Hazmat wears a Hazmat Suit and large Gas Mask 24-7, in order to not be affected by the dangerous things they work with. They even Sleep in the suit. Their Lab is very very secure, with hundreds of safety precautions in place to make it as safe as possible, including strong fume-hoods, perfect disposal areas for waste products, gas Separators and containers in the Ceiling, industrial strength fume resistant doors, and More. The Chemicals, Gas Products, and Transformative substances, are all held in different Areas, each properly labeled with what they are, and what they react with. Their Gender is unknown, as they are always in their hazmat suits. They stand at 15 feet tall, with a body to match. They wear a large Hazmat Suit with a Black Gas Mask, attached to a black screen for a face. Their gloves and boots are black, and A Biohazard Symbol is printed on their Back, and underneath it is: “Biohazardous Materials studied by Dr. Hazmat.” Dr. Hazmat is often found with a flamethrower equipped on their back. They also have a Rather Powerful Tommy Gun that they bust out in emergencies, while also using it for combat. Attached to it is a Bayonet. This Tommy Gun is always kept on the wall, Framed. They call it: Blastinslash. In reality, it is female, but prefers the term them. They are also Tomboyish in a way, acting male from time to time, and often can’t decide what gender they want to be. So, that is what they use. They will occasionally use gas bombs and other toxic things if needed, though they are all toned down to just cause The person to feel like they are in pain, and pass out. Dr. Hazmat is incredibly good at Combat, and is also quick, AND can Teleport. Dr. Hazmat often relies on Long and medium Range Attacks, and close range if their shotgun hasn’t been destroyed. Getting Up Close and Personal with them is even worse, as they have a lot of strength behind them. Their real lab is found in the middle of a biohazard zone where they get the majority of their materials.