
The Multiiverse, in all it's endless insanity, does indeed have a unifying deity responsible for the basics of it. And it's deity is an incomprehensibly large creature known as Comfort, named after the affect she seems to have on others in her presence. When I say incomprehensibly large, I mean it. She is contained within the nothngness outside of the Multiverse, and is forced to take on a smaller form to interact with her creations, usually choosing a rather small form at only six feet in height. She appears as a feminine creature, black as night with two small glowing dots for eyes. Her number of arms can vary, but it's usually two. The form can vary too, but she prefers simplicity.

Space of Comfort

Most believe that she exists within a space of pure blackness, in which sits a small island, and in which one always feels like they are floating in a water-like substance, yet breathing completely fine. This is not actually Comfort. It's merely an inhabitable space outside of the Multiverse, in which she speaks tp people, usually to simply comfort them, hence how she got her name. How this place relates to her is unknown, though due to the Island's existence, and what happens to creatures like Comfort post-mortem, it is believed by some that the space is her dormant womb, and the island her stillborn baby. Comfort refuses to acknowledge these notions, ignoring them whenever brought up.

The Matter composing Comfort

The Matter composing Comfort is unlike anything else in the Multiverse, except potentially the goop that stops further development of Infinity Flesh. This is because the matter holds the power to destroy unlike anything else. It, in it's living state, seems to be directly opposed to anything existing that is not it, acting as a sort of immortal antimatter. It resists corruptive effects, like the Black or Demonism, even the Sludge has no affect, despite breaking all known laws of matter. However, one thing that is known about this matter is it's affect upon the death of the creature it composed. As shown by the Great Snake, which forms The Cave System, the matter of a deceased "ultradeity" becomes livable land and flora, totally inhabitable by life other than itself.

Comfort's age and related time

Comfort, due to creating the Multiverse, is approximately 10,000 years older than it. This time is recorded as B.M. or Before Multiverse on the timeline. Time has been recorded from the very beginning to now by Comfort, labeled as Multiverse Standard Time, often just shortened to Multiverse Time, or M.T. for ease of memory.

Comfort's alt forms

Comfort is not always blank, anger can alter the form, as can the need to judge. These alternative forms are a beast of rage, and a Judge/Executioner. The original appearances of these entities were in an endlessly going RP that was stopped only by... unfortunate incidents. While the two were brought out for a minor thing compared to the horrors that can and have been committed, this does not reflect properly on Comfort. It takes a lot to make her mad, and a horrifying crime to bring out Judgement.


Anger. A form embodying genuine fury, true, genuine destruction. A white body with red limbs and fiery red eyes, burning so brightly it blinds the poor eyes of those unfortunate enough to incur her reality-shattering wrath. Some would say may god help whoever has to face her, but if they have to face her, it's likely they deserve it.


Neutral, simple, blind, and genderless. Pure white in nature, with a black judge's wig, and a hammer to crush those it makes verdicts against. The supreme Judge and executioner, only brought out for the most serious of crimes.

A child

Comfort has a child, though the relations between the two are highly unclear. Perhaps she's adopted? They'll never tell.