
Loneliness is a terrible thing, as it leads to boredom, and as shown with a certain other "god", boredom can lead to horrible mistakes. And, in her slow creation of the Universe, Comfort found herself becoming lonely. She really didn't like that certain "god", so she ignored it. But she knew she would need someone. So, Emotia was made, though the two like to pretend Emotia just appeared.

Emotia is an Enasona given purpose in the story, and thus has a similar nature to Ena, blocky in some areas, smooth in others, except with three face segments instead of two. Said face segments are Envy on the forehead, Calm to the left, and Anger to the right. Just like Ena, each of these segments can go white, with the others going black, serving as an alt-emotion, like Ena's misery or drunk state. Embarrassment results in all three segments going off color, plush a blush, and emptiness results in pure blackness with three white eyes.

Emotions below

Envy: Located as Forehead, the section is Blood Red, with a Green Eye. When this Emotion is Speaking, the Full Mouth is Visible, and is Black, and the other two eyes are closed

Calm: Located as the Left Side of the Face, The Section is Green with a bright Blue eye. When this Emotion is speaking, The Right side of the Mouth is visible, and is Green.

Anger: Located on the Right side of the Face, this Section is light Blue, with a Blood Red eye. When this Emotion Is speaking, the Left side of the mouth is Visible, and is Light Blue.

Embarrassed: When this Emotion is Active, All Sections become Off Color, becoming Brighter colored, all three eyes are open, the Mouth is a bright Purple, and a bright pink Blush is visible.

Empty: When this Lack of emotion is Active, all face segments go black, and The eyes are turned white.

Overwhelmed: When this Overwhelming amount of Emotions is active, all Facial Segments become white, the Mouth being black, with each eye closed.

Judgement: When this Emotion is Active, the Top of the Face turns white, and everywhere else becomes Black, with a Full Mouth which is Grey. The eye turns a faded White, with a black Background.

Panic: When this Emotion is active, The Left side of the Face turns white, with a black background of the Eye, with the eye glowing light Blue. The Right side of the Mouth is Visible and Glows Blue.

Sorrow: When this Emotion is Active, The Right side of the Face turns white, with the rest of the face being Black. The Eye is a Glowing Red and Dark Blue, split in half down the middle. The Left side of the Mouth is Visible, and glows a mix of red and blue.

Emotia’s Appearance:

Emotia appears completely genderless. They have long Brown hair that flows down to their shoulders, that is always well taken care of. Scroll up to read the description of their face. On their head they wear a black beret, tilted slightly to the left side. They stand at 7 foot 6. Their body skin color is unknown, as they ALWAYS wear a White shirt that looks like it’s yellowed like paper, with a Green with yellow dots jacket overtop, And on top of that, a French Vanilla Yellow Thing that they call A painter’s sweater, which goes down to below their hips, and has paint stains all over it, in many different colors. The sleeves go down to their wrists. Their main hands are Light Blue, and their hands that they hide are Red and green, split down the middle. They wear long Blue pants that go down to their ankles, and Black shoes. All four arms are Detached from their places, and float. Technically they can be pulled away from Emotia, it just hurts to do so. The second arms come off just above her hips.


Envy: A Female Voice, always envious of everything.

Calm: Sounding Male, and Constantly Calm, Just like Comfort.

Anger: Anger speaks in a strong Female voice, and also speaks fluent French. When she gets angry enough, she switches to An untranslatable version of French so she can safely spout off her anger. Her voice is deep and silky.

Embarrassed: All three Main Voices talking at once, all sounding embarrassed.

Empty: Lacking a mouth completely, Empty has a very quiet voice that is impossible to discern. Empty cannot speak up either.

Overwhelmed: All three main voices talk at once, with a stressed tone to each of them, along with the tone of emotion they each represent.

Judgement: One emotionless voice, invoking pause in all who hear it, making them listen.

Panic: A strained voice, with uncontrollable panic.

Sorrow: incomprehensible sorrow.