Let's try and return this to it's roots.

The Boss Rush Cave Segment originated from my old DND days, mainly with the Commander, AKA Commander TV Head, and expanding to hold Scrapbot and his other creations, along with The Commander's Wife and daughter. It's simply the original ideas expanded upon and turned into homes as well as Arenas, that, in being rewritten for the site, will be fleshed out and turned into more, potentially with even more characters, more bosses, and even minibosses, perhaps even reflecting the glitchy campaign idea I had so many years ago.

Existing Entities

There are several entities that exist within the Boss Rush Cave Segment, from The Commander, his four generals which include his wife, Alayna, their Daughter, Scrapbot and his machines, and more, each with a different fight, of varying levels of severity. All of these entities have seemingly been here forever, as nobody else within the whole of the Cave System can remember a time when they were not there. Odd.

Related pages

To view the parts of this segment of the cave system, view the pages linked below.