a host capture vessel

H.O.S.T., a robot designed to comfortably carry and transfer Lost souls, so if Roxi or the Professor or their children ever die, H.O.S.T. Can hold on to their souls until their bodies can be repaired. H.O.S.T. Was created literally three weeks ago, and The Professor has been working on getting it to peak functionality whenever he has the chance, which is why he has been absent sometimes. HOST’s body is complete, The Professor is just working out the bugs. The HOST system is meant to hold any souls, but prioritizes the souls of the Professor and his family. HOST’s body is meant to be mainly extreme defense, instead of combat, so it can defend and escape. The HOST system stands at 10 feet tall. Offensive action is not programmed into the HOST system in any way, so it’s purely a pacifist. It is incredibly bulky, heavily armored, and completely indestructible. It is the Professor’s strongest creation of all time so far, and it knows it. It can be offensive if it wants to, though even then it’s offensive and defensive.