Nanny EX

Very recently created after the death of Zeke Jr., Vikki was created for the purpose of acting as an incubator for babies, and delivering them. Along with being a Surrogate, she is also a nanny for children, AND a Midwife. She is loving and Caring, as well as very friendly. She knows how to help. And, she’s completely self sustaining, so it’s fine to leave her alone. Also, Vikki can make her belly translucent at any time, to check on any child developing inside of her. She stands at 5 feet tall. She has Synthetic White Skin, one blue eye, one orange eye, and blue and orange blended hair that goes down to her shoulders, with yellow highlights. It’s always kept in a well managed ponytail. Her teeth are perfectly white and well taken care of, as is the rest of her body. She wears a dark brown shirt, green skirt that goes down to her knees, white socks, and black running shoes.