Prologue: Unsuccessful. (Salesman Jack)

Jack was always an odd Man. He claimed that one day he would be a great Salesman, A Big shot, but so far, nothing had come of those claims. He’d tried so many different things, and not a single one worked. He’d tried his hand at Many things, even coming up with several products of his own, and yet still, nothing worked. He felt like a Failure, and he was. He had the skills, just hadn't found the right Opportunity. He was simply sitting on his bed in his modest house, questioning his life Choices. “Maybe I’m not meant to be a big shot?” He thought to himself. Sighing deeply, he took his Revolver off his Bedside table, turning it over in his hands, staring down at the Quality Engravings on the Barrel. BIG SHOT, Success, FORTUNE, read the engravings, in a language Only known to the Aderlaine Family. Considering his options, and his many failures, sorrow shot through him. He spun the chamber, knowing that a single bullet was inside. He spun the chamber to ensure the bullet would fire, but just as he put the gun to his head, the phone rang. Thinking he should take one last call, he returned the gun to his bedside table, got up, left his room, walked over to it, and answered the Phone. “Hello? This is Salesman Jack.” He said into the phone. On the other end, he heard a voice he’s never heard before. “Ah, Salesman Jack. I’ve been wanting to speak to you. Who I am does not matter, and I am aware you don’t care. I am calling to offer you a deal.” The Mysterious voice stated. “What kind of deal could you possibly want to make with a useless failure like me?” Jack inquired with hopelessness in his voice. “I am prepared to offer you the Skills to be a great Salesman, One so great that your family will look up to you, as the best.” The Voice stated. Jack’s mind flooded with hope, but he forced it down. His father had always told him, there’s ALWAYS a catch with deals. “Very intriguing. But what’s the catch? There’s always a catch.” He questioned. “I knew you’d say that, Jack. In exchange for my Services, you must trust me. Do as I say or I will not help you.” The voice said sternly. “Is that Really all it takes? DEAL!!” Jack yelled into the phone excitedly. “Good. Now, go outside and get some fresh air. You’ve been inside for too long.” The Voice simply said. “Got it!” Jack said, before placing the phone down. He was so happy, and he ran outside with said happiness. If things went well, he would finally be a [BIG SHOT] like his father.