
Locket being 4: The Knight. The Knight Stands At 12 feet tall. It is dressed in full, Black Knight Armor, with spike-y shoulder plates. The Spikes go up and out, and are white. Its helmet has no holes To see out of, and the Sliding face cover thing rarely opens. Inside the armor is a Being of Unknown Gender, who is leaking out of spots of the armor. The Knight Rarely speaks. And Never removes its armor. It Carries a black tinted, shiny sword on itMs back, and carries a 9 foot tall, spear in its right hand. The Knight’s Armor clinks and clanks as it moves. It also Can have tentacles come out of spots of its armor to strike people. The Knight can be rather lonely, though, and Does desire friends. Armor is a part of it. It is unknown what causes this, But it will occasionally painfully turn into a black, armored, 75 foot tall dragon, with a 150 foot long tail. The dragon breathes white flames. The Knight is very intimidating. It does have red/blonde hair that goes down to its shoulders, that occasionally comes out of the slit in the back of the helmet. The Knight is a protector. Under it’s armor, It has white skin, wears a black tank top, black pants, no shoes. Its eyes glow dark blue on the left, and bright yellow on the right. It never takes off its armor as it’s a part of it. But it gets really hot in the sun. If it gets hot enough, it may fall into a kneel, breathing heavily, its body(Without armor) doesn’t look exactly male, or exactly female. The Knight can Be Removed from its armor by large amounts of heat, causing it to melt out of its armor. After it returns to a physical state, it will try to go back into its armor. The Knight loves the Cold, and enjoys being in freezer rooms. It also enjoys the snow. Night time has various effects on The Knight. If it isn’t a full or new moon, where it’s eyes would be, on the Armor, Will start glowing Dark Blue on the left, And BrigHt Yellow on the Right, it will also get a red glowing outline around it. If it’s a Full Moon, A full moon, as a painting, Will appear on it’s belly, glowing. It will also grow 4 extra arms. If itMs a new moon, it will gain an eyeless mouth full of sharp teeth in it’s helmet. And it’s hands will turn into claws. Spikes will burst out of the elbow joints. And it will be able to run on all fours. It will also grow a 24 foot long, Spiked Black dragon tail. The Knight enjoys the Presence of Dragons. It’s hard to tell what emotion it’s experiencing, but it does get angry when it’s harmed, or when it’s armor is tarnished. It’s armor is Impenetrable. It Can swim but doesn’t like water. The Knight can also be frozen, but it takes a lot of cold to do so. It’s voice is both male and Female Simultaneously, but it also has a second voice that isn’t distinctly Male, or Female. The Knight is Supposed to be intimidating. The Knight will protect Meldomine and Lovely, but knows that it’s also being protected. The Knight does like a little heat now and then. When it melts out of it’s armor, it can still control it. The Knight’s Origins are unknown. One day, it just appeared in the Locket, Without any warning. The Knight was friends with a Fairy, who lived in the Locket. She was Sweet, and A great friend. But one day, She just vanished, never to be seen again. It is said that she still lives in the locket, in deeper parts of it. It’s more or less unknown what truly happened to her. Her name was Filikí Neráida. The Knight doesn’t like being out of it’s armor for long periods of time. It feels defenseless. It can still fight just as well, but it can be hurt even easier.