The Corrupted

There could be an Alternate Version of Sunday, where Sunny was corrupted First, then the Blackness spreads throughout her vines, corrupting Umé, Natalie, Day, Daniel, Agatha, and Yasmine, as she Tells them to join the fun. The More Damage Sunday takes, the farther the Corruption progresses, until everyone Has fallen. Then it’s a Final Last stand where SUNNY breaks free temporarily, and when Finally beaten, she Tells her Enemy to join the Fun, Before Wrapping her vines around them and Pulling them into The Fun, corrupting them as well. Alternatively it could be the Demon that Corrupts Sunny. I’m going to... should it be a completely different Entity from an alternate Universe, or a Secondary form that Sunday can activate at Will, and turn off at Will? or.... What if The Alternate form was actually a PART of Sunday, that can Split away at Will, And Fights Alongside normal Sunday? A part of her? It’s called The Corrupted by the way. Should Sunday as a whole be Kind of Scared of The Corrupted, which is Sunday’s Alternate variant? Should The Corrupted just be Sunny, Umé, Natalie, Day, Danielle, Agatha, and Yume Nicki? I would Assume Ash would also be a bit Afraid if The Corrupted, and I Have an Idea, that being That The Corrupted can be used as an Example of one of the many ways of How Blackness/Demonism Progresses.