
A Female Shapeshifter who Can and Will tailor outfits to fit ANY body no matter how strange they are. All she needs are measurements. No matter how many weird features or abnormalities she has, she can tailor dresses, shirts, pants, skirts, jackets, and everything in between for people, for the Right price, though Corrupted gets the services for free. Due to being a Shapeshifter that just appeared in the Multiverse, similar to how Specials come into existence, And Due to the fact that she changes her form so frequently, her form is not saved, and she completely lacks a prior form. Due to this, if she happens to be in the path of a strong Glitchwave, she will experience a 10-01 Error, Known as Prior Form not found. Which will cause her to become a Glitchier version of herself that is a blend of errors. She wears glasses due to having very bad vision, to the point that she cannot see at all without them. This is a constant among all her forms. She typically appears around 40 years old, and is typically ten feet tall. She is older than Scarlet in terms of existence.