The Third

Locket being 3: The Amalgamese Quintuplets. The Amalgamese Quintuplets are 5 people, 3 girls, 2 boys, All fused together as an Amalgamate. The Girl in the middle’s eyes flash to blue, but are normally black and soulless. Her skin is Light blueish white, her hair is blue and flows down to her shoulders. Her name is Blue. To Blue’s left is another Head. This head’s eyes flash to pink, but are normally Black and soulless. Her skin is pinkish white. Her hair is pink, and goes down to her shoulders. Her name is Pink. To the Right Of Blue, is another head. This head wears glasses. Her eyes flash to purple, but are normally Black and soulless. Her skin is purplish white, and her hair is purple and flows down to their shoulders. Her name is Purple. To the Left of Pink, Is another head. This head’s hair is green, his eyes flash to green but are normally black and soulless, and His skin is greenish white. His name is Green. To the Right of Purple, there is another head. This head’s hair is Orange, His eyes flash to orange but are normally black and soulless, and his skin is orangish white. His name is Orange. Each head’s skin is melted slightly, but not too badly. Below the heads, is a large torso big enough to hold all 5 heads. They wear yellowish white, melting shirts. Over their legs, they wear light blue pants. Without shoes or socks. They have 6 arms. Each one being heavily melted, and ending in claw-like hands. Each arm is white. They also have 2, 15 foot long white tails, That look like a mix of Dragon, Cat, And Fox tails, both of which end in large poofs, wrapped around their waist. Their legs are also melted. Blue is Friendly and Nice, Pink is energetic and happy, Purple is smart but doesn’t like to talk, Green is outgoing, and Orange is protective. They live in mostly harmony, most of the time. Their eyes change to their respective colors at specific points, like when they work together, or when they are angry. They have other, More melted forms they can turn into. They do not wear anything under their clothes. The Amalgamese Quintuplets are 7 feet tall.