The DJ

MettaBlook is a fusion of Mettaton and Napstablook, and hence is part robot, Part ghost, with a little Alphys thrown in for good measure. MettaBlook Prefers not to fight, gets embarrassed really easily, Loves Anime, Talks in a very stuttery voice. She stands at 6 feet tall. She is quite young, Being only 18. She wears purple shoes at all times when out, wears black pants with a pink skirt over it, going down to just below her waist, and a black button up shirt with pink sleeves that go down to her wrists, and white gloves. She does not wear pants. Her arms are pure robotic, and can extend quite a lot. She has black hair and her eyes are blue. Her hair goes down to her neck, and is also always draped over her right eye. She has a 27 foot long white ghost tail wrapped around her left leg. She can talk to ghosts, And can also talk directly to them.
