Marellion Mother Corrupted:

A Modified Version of Grand Stallion Corrupted, Standing at 10 feet tall. Still the Same Colors and stuff, Her Hair is Blonde with pink Stripes, and flows down to her shoulders, but is Up in a bun, And Redish Pink Eyes. She has a 3 foot long horsetail that is blonde with Pink Stripes. She is Laid Back, Chill, Loves And Desires Cuddles. She wants to be an actual mother. She has a tendency to lay down in weird positions, and can twist her body in ways that should be impossible, but aren’t due to Corrupted And all her forms universally being Contortionists. She wears a pretty dress that drapes to about just above her Hooves and covers her main body like a Normal Dress, and drapes over her horse body. It also has ties on fabric underneath, separate from the poofy fabric that covers her legs down, that is used to actually cover her underbelly. There are also a Series of Ties to make sure it sticks, including the Underbelly ties. Her Fur is a Lighter brown, her skin White when Stabilized, Red when Glitchy. The Dress comfortably covers her chest. The Dress is Dark Purple on the Horse Body, that turns Light Purple on the Poofs, the Underbelly fabric is Light blue and purple, and the Upper body is a pretty light blue. The Dress also has half magenta, half light blue ribbons on it, in upside down arches, starting at the Front, which is A Pink ribbon Belt with a pink 🎀 as the buckle, at where her Upper Body connects to her lower body, and goes around her body on her back, with a Bright Blue 🎀, at the middle of above her rear, where her tail comes out. She is also able to Purr, and said Purring can be caused via headpats and general comfort. Generally being very content, Knowing that Those she cares for are safe, and helping to ensure their safety. Her Purr is the same as Corrupted’s, But deeper, silkier, and more drawn out, while being Glitchier. She can get angry, but is shown to calm down quickly. However, she can deal out punishments if needed, to make others stop pushing. And despite being so cuddly and lovey, she can still fight, to protect people she cares for, using the Error-Staff like the Grand Stallion does. She can also high jump, to crush people under her underbelly. She can also bounce on her underbelly if she bounces properly. She may put someone who crosses her in time out, and may attempt to hug them in a crushing hug to incapacitate them. When she gets angry, she just forces it all deep down inside of herself, and then lets it out when it would be helpful to. She happens to be rather fast despite her underbelly, and can jump quite far. She is also quite a Chef, and can make a lot of Meals. Her Specialty is Her Random Ingredients Meal, where she just takes random ingredients and throws them together to make something delicious. Her underbelly is often warm, and can be made to almost feel like a literal plushie. She may act motherly to others as well, and may attempt to take care of and cook for them. She also has a really powerful Error Ability, Called Sensible Slap. This Slap essentially frees a person of EVERYTHING corrupting or tainting them, bringing them back to their senses. The Marellion mother is very heavy, weighing over 800 pounds, so when she stands on her hind legs to change into her upright form, her legs go through quite the growth in order to support her weight. With her body in an upright position she stands at 12 feet tall. Her Name is Martha. She sometimes will assume that people are hungry, and ask to cook for them.