Something Halloween Based: Headless Horseman, Plus Pumpkins, Plus Hollow Knight.

What about…. A vessel, With strange vines unlike anything else in Hollow Knight, Weaving through it, With A Jack-O-Lantern as a head, the Flames inside intensifying as It got angry. It riding some sort of Ghostly, Dark, Skeletal and Void like, Horse-Like creature, and being as tall as, if not Taller than the Hollow Knight/Pure Vessel. It’s actual head still is intact, and can be used to control it, to an extent. It is effectively a reanimated ghost to some extent. The Creature Carries with it, regards to various real world beliefs regarding The Headless Horseman, said beliefs coming straight from the Headless Horseman’s Wikipedia page. It’s head functions similar to The Headless Horseman’s Skull, in the 1999 Tim Burton Film, Sleepy Hollow. However, it’s head being returned to it’s grave, it will not be left to peace. It instead returns to the cursed grove it lives in, and where it had died originally. It is unknown how it came to return, and in such a state as it is in now. Should it be reunited with it’s head, while In the midst of Conflict it cannot flee, it will attack with burning precision, and not stop until all opposing members of said conflict have been neutralized. If needed, it may alternatively unleash blasts of flame from it’s Jack’O’Lantern head, turning all caught in the blast, to Blackened Ash. Once all opposing members of Said Conflict have been neutralized, it will once again Mount it’s steed, and return to the cursed grove in which it lives. It is able to speak, and speaks in an echoey male voice, quite similar to that of the Headless Horseman from WoW’s Hallow’s End Event. The Rider itself stands at about 30 feet tall, and it’s Steed stands at 25 feet tall. They are both incredibly large, adding to the intimidation. People call the Rider Headless Jack, due to it’s Jack’O’Lantern head. It’s steed is named O’Scol’Varia, or From Darkened Depths, in a language i literally just came up with the concept for. Headless Jack Serves the one who gave it Life, the Pumpkin Queen, while also serving those who carry it’s head. It can only haunt a certain area in the land in which it lives, and once one has crossed the border, they are completely safe. However, this does not apply when it is summoned elsewhere, and given a target. At that point, anywhere is free game, and it will not stop hunting until either its skull is found or the target has been beheaded. Once either of these have occurred, it will return to its home in the Cursed Grove. The small mention of its name can bring fear to other denizens of The Area outside the cave System, as they had to watch as Headless Jack slays their family members, being powerless to stop it. Headless Jack is often also believed to be an unstoppable force, as it has bested all others it has faced in combat, as far as other Denizens of the area are aware and concerned.

“Trapped in endless torment, forced to serve, where my head is left behind, it is there I shall return.”