Higher Beings:

These Higher beings Shades are stronger than no other Members of the Family, and are worshiped by the rest of them, as the Higher Beings they are.

The Nightmare Heart Shade:

One of two Higher Being Shades, this Shade is fused with the Nightmare Heart, and is responsible for the creation of the three Scarlet Flame Shades. In terms of Regret Pile Lore, it is In reality, Just Grimm, the Head Moderator.

Lady Lifeblood:

A more Feminine Shade, Lady Lifeblood is the one who is responsible for the Lifeblood ceremonies, and for watching over the family, and ensuring they are at peace. The lifeblood Queen itself is fused with lifeblood itself, and can provide it to others, hence the Lifeblood Ceremonies. In Regret Pile Lore it is just Anonymous Shade, the Server owner. She is also known as the Lifeblood Queen to the High Shade and Royal Shade though. She is a kind entity, but will not hesitate to strike down those who oppose her if needed.