Filiko Mikrovlávi

If she stays in the Moonlight even longer, She’ll start glitching, vanishing and reappearing. Her eyes will turn fully red, and her clothes will take on a purplish green Hue. This form is named Filiko Mikrovlávi. On a rare occasion, She Might glitch, and when she reappears, all 4 forms will be present, not just Filiko. Filikí also always has a set of cards with her. Each card has a picture of a person, or form on it, with the name above it. She has already made one for The Fairy’s original Appearance, The Knight, and The Fairy Monstrosity, as well as each of her forms.

Filikí can grant 1 wish per day, and cannot refresh the wish until the day is over. She can choose to grant the wish, or choose not to. She desires to keep her ability secret. Filikí and the Knight can fuse, Leading to some interesting results, like The Knight Growing fairy wings.