
Elaine Carmichael was the first form of Corrupted, back when she was just a normal, Powerless but quite smart Human. She was friendly, Cheerful, a Hard worker, and a pretty good cook. Everyone liked her. It’s unknown where she lived. What is known is that she lived there for a long while, until something horrible happened, which has never been documented, which changed Elaine’s life forever. It bound her to the fabric of the Multiverse in a way, Turning her into something of a glitch. And a very unstable one at that. The accident turned her into Critical Error. Saying this name to Corrupted now, will almost certainly cause her to have a very traumatic flashback, during which she glitches back to her prior 3 forms, ending with Elaine. She’ll remain as Elaine for a moment, clearly crying, before glitching back through, Into Corrupted.

Elaine herself stood at a rough 5 foot 3, much shorter than she stands today. She had Ruby colored eyes, dark brown skin, and blonde hair that went down to her shoulders. She always had Sapphire Blue lipstick on, and constantly wore a Green shirt, and on top of it, A Blue dress that went down to her knees. She wore yellow rain boots at all times, and had a black umbrella whenever she went out, even if there wasn’t a chance it was going to rain. She was a very happy individual, always walking with pep in her step. She worked at a lab, And had a lot of knowledge. She always wore glasses when in the lab, safety on top, normal beneath them. It was in this laboratory that the Horrible accident happened. And during it, the entire lab was sucked into a tear in the Multiverse created by the accident. She was the only one who didn’t escape, because she was hit by the blast. The lab still exists in a void world, in a hidden section of it. She’s the only one who lives in this lab. It took two months for her to turn into Critical Error, a slow, painful process of losing her mind and her form, but once it was over, the worst was behind her.