Let's Get Serious

This is the Name Corrupted uses when she shows her Serious side. She is Capable of ripping tears in the fabric of reality, and actually researches The Errorspace and the Fabric of Reality. She is much stronger than some will believe, and knows a lot more as well. Elaine C. Corrupted and Corrupted are considered To be two different personalities, but in reality, it is not. One is more serious and acts as a scientist who shows their powerful capabilities, and one is calmer, more laid back. If interrupted while working she will be upset. And if the person persists she will threaten their life. She has a More intimidating Aura about her, and appears like she doesn’t have time for distractions and will use force to get rid of them. She is also capable of Glitching back and forward between her forms to attack in a combo, or glitch the area so that glitch variants of her prior forms can appear to attack, making it hard to tell which is the real one. She is able to work with any of her forms, including the Grand Stallion, and has safety measures in place for each form’s sensitivities. She often threatens others with exposure to the Errorspace, and is immune to it because of her state. Each form does not technically have changes made to them beyond wearing Lab Coats and looking much more serious. But Elaine C. Corrupted is the Main form. Her hair is tangled and in a loose bun, she looks tired. She wears a Serious white Lab Coat, that’s open down the middle that shows off a black shirt. It’s closed up until the top where it opens in a V. She wears black pants, and black shoes. She looks very Professional. As a Centaur she wears a Large Second Lab Coat that she puts the sleeves on her hind legs, and drapes it over her back, and buttons it up down the underbelly middle to cover everything. She also wears black pants on Hind Legs, her tail visible. Her lab coat is tucked into her pants, and her main lab coat is tucked into her other lab coat. The outfit’s comfortable. There is a secret part of the lab, Known as the True Lab, where she goes to perform her experiments with reality. She often gets annoyed when others are confident and think they can handle dangerous situations, when in reality they have never been exposed to something as dangerous as the Errorspace. She is aware that she cannot split herself into two forms without creating a glitch wave strong enough to rip a hole in the fabric of reality, exposing the Errorspace, which would be somehow patched up by the Multiverse, in a Similar way that Blake’s Home patched up a tear. The Multiverse understands the danger of the Errorspace and will try to patch any tears as soon as possible.