The Dungeons

The Dungeons Introduction:

A.K.A The Skeletal Warrior, The Living Armors, The Disease, and Other Minecraft Mod Mob inspired entities!

All of the Entities ahead all Live. In the Dungeon, a Special Place found in the Minecraftian Woods, which is very large. This Dungeon also has entrances outside the Minecraftian woods as well. On to the Entities within!This Isn’t any normal skeleton. This Skeleton is not the Skeleton itself, But an enchantment on the Skeleton itself that allows it to live. She can also take any other skeleton of any type, and fuse it to her body, to change it, and make her stronger. She is best friends with, and Lives with an INCREDIBLY powerful, almost INDESTRUCTIBLE set of enchanted armor, that was given life, just like she was. The Armor’s ONLY flaw, is it’s weak spot, a Sword sticking out of it’s lower back. It’s giant axe can slide through any Living thing with ease, and normally makes quick work of them. These two when working together, are unbeatable, with The Skeleton’s long ranged Archery, and Skeletal Angel wings, and The Armor’s Long range shockwave and close range Devastating attacks, they are a fearsome pair. Not to mention their other allies/Friends/Minions/Enemies! They Also come equipped with a disease that can reanimate corpses that die by their end, despite their species. There is also a virus that can affect anyone, and causes them to be under complete control of the actual Virus Hive. There is also a Mutated Enderman like Entity, that is really aggressive and Powerful, but will turn hostile if stared at for too long. Water of Any and all kinds damage her. These Entities all make their home in a specific underground Dungeon like area, and can also be found in the Minecraft Forest, by that I mean, Non Speech capable Variants can Spawn in the Minecraftian Woods, But the special ones only spawn in the Dungeon. The Armor’s sounds are echoey and loud, and his Voice is too. The Skeleton’s angel Wings are just lines of bone that have the slight appearance of Angel Wings, because her enchantment fills out the rest. The Armor itself, if it feels threatened enough, will summon smaller living armors to fight with it, though this is rare, as it Rarely feels that threatened. It is normally found in the middle of specific rooms in the Dungeon, standing as still as a statue, kneeling slightly, using his Axe to support him. There is also Rumored to be a FEMALE Armor, that is more about Agility, is Weaker, And Uses a sword. She uses her SPEED to kill, while The Male Version uses his Strength. The Skeleton prefers to use A Bow or Crossbow, but also wields a Sword. When the Enderman is killed, she lets out one final death scream, before her body begins to disintegrate, much like the Ender Dragon’s body does. As her body Disintegrates, she throws you around in a last attempt to kill you. After dying, she respawns in the Ender room, which is her personal room, but has other Ender inspired entities inside. If all of these entities were to work together during a fight, They would win every time, as Such a large group of powerful entities cannot be beat. There are also a few Slime Creatures that can talk, as well as an array of enemies that can’t talk, but are strong. There is also a special Entity, Known As Chief Marholia, who is in control of a large tribe of Zombie Pigman like entities, that Attack when one of them is hurt, but listen to Chief Marholia at all times. Their Village can also be found in the dungeon. Chief Marholia is a female, and has the Power of Light and Dark on her side, and if she gets into SUNLIGHT, she even has Heliomancy! Chief Marholia May seem Lazy, as she prefers to fight from her throne, BUT, she will get up from time to time, Donning a Spear, Sword, Battle Axe, and Giant Shield. She is four armed. She’s also quite Quick despite her size. She isn’t Clearly overweight, BUT she is Large-built. She is the most dangerous, as she can conjure up more of her tribe at Will. She And Her Tribe are Friendly until attacked, and will even trade! In this Vast Dungeon, there are also End and Nether Portals, both of which Teleport Those who enter into Special areas, The End Portal to the End, where they have to face off against the Ender Dragon, And The Nether Portal to The Nether, which is full of Monsters. In the Nether, The Portal leads Those who enter into A Nether Dungeon. The Paths to Both Portals are Blocked by Powerful entities known as Strongholders, One on each path. These things defend the Portals with their Lives, and will not let Anyone who is not from the dungeon past without a big fight. Each of these entities respawn after being killed, as well. These Entities rarely come to the Surface, but when they do, it’s never to fight. In fact, they REFUSE to fight unless In their Respective Arenas, but will fight if attacked enough. Chief Marholia’s Tribe speaks their native language, which to Others who Have Not Learned it, it sounds like Complete Gibberish. Chief Marholia has Learned English however, and is fully capable of conversing with Those who Enter her land. Also, Another Fact about her, if you offer her something Valuable enough, Like A Large Sum of Gold, she will Grant you Access to a Small Amount of her Power, In One of three Categories. Those Categories are as Follows, Dark Magic, which allows the Wielder to Manipulate Darkness to their Will, Light Magic, which Allows the Wielder to Manipulate Light to their Will, And, If you pay even more, she will Allow you Access to Heliomancy, though it only works When The Wielder is in Direct Sunlight. Heliomancy is her strongest magic. Access to her Magic will run out as it’s used, and Eventually, you won’t be able to use it anymore. At that point, you will need to go back to her and Pay A Small amount of Gold to get it refilled. There are Also Trolls that Live in the more Cave Like Sections of the Dungeons, and Sirens, who live In the Flooded Sections. There are actually 4 types of Sirens, Water Sirens, which are Found In Oceans and Lakes, Deep Sirens, which are found deep underground in flooded caves, Lava Sirens who live in the Lava lakes, And Nether Sirens, who live in the Lava of the Nether. Also Found in the Dungeons, Is a One of a Kind entity, Known as the Summoner. She is Sound Sensitive, and will send out tentacles if she detects anything. If those tentacles detect something, she lets out a Scream, which summons a bunch of other monsters to fight with her. It is not necessary to fight her though. The Best thing to do is sneak PAST her. She is found VERY deep In the dungeon, And The Portals will have already been past if she’s been reached. At the VERY end of the Dungeon is a Special Exit, into the Minecraftian Woods. By this Exit is the Room of Ashra’Vashnee, The Builder. She was the one who Built the Dungeons, and Is the one who is allowing all the other Special Entities to Respawn after Death. The Summoner, and Ashra’Vashnee are Two Bosses in the Main Dungeon. The Strongholders are Also Another Two Bosses.

The Special Rooms of the Special Entities are Not On the Normal Path, rather they are on Offshoots of the Path. These Special Rooms serve as Mini Boss Battles. I Guess Chief Marholia would technically be a boss as well... There are Even some Hidden Areas that are hard to reach, or blocked off completely. There are Even Secret portals.

So, Let’s Start off the List, Shall We? And then I’ll do some stuff about the Layout. There is also Ashra’Vashnee’s Protector and Pet, the Construct.

Extra Info:

The Dungeons have recently been moved to the end of the Cave System, extending it even further, and adding more to it’s reach.