I’m tempted to Make another character named Cynthia, That Mimics Lucky Seven...Cynthia will be a 7 foot tall, partially melted being. Her feet have almost completely melted away into a puddle, which moves with her. Cynthia wears no shoes, but wears black pants that have partially melted to her skin. She wears a blue shirt that hasn’t melted. Her arms are melted heavily, but she can still use them. When she’s still, she will slowly sway side to side. Her head is more or less fine. Her left eye is glowing orange, and her right is glowing purple. Her hair is green, and flows down to her hips. But this is just Lucky Seven’s mock Phase. Upon Cynthia being angered, the medallion around her neck(Black ribbon, Rose gold metal, Center of the medallion black)’s Eye will open, A blue eye in the center, And Cynthia’s head will slump over. Suddenly, Cynthia will say Lucky Seven’s iconic Line as she raises her head. Everything’s H A P P Y. As the syllables of the word happy are said, her Neck extends an extra 4 feet. From the base of her neck, by her shoulder, an arm, with a hand bursts out, holding A Melted version of Cynthia’s head, With this head’s left eye being green. Another 2 Arm Bursts out of the socket of her left arm, The Extra Emory Hand is severely melted, and is inhumanly long. This arm can be used to grab people, or cause melting versions of Cynthia’s hands to burst out of the ground. The Other extra arm grown holds another melting version of Cynthia’s Head, with this one’s right eye being Red. On both of the heads, the other eye is black, and soulless. After this, another hand Bursts out of her Neck, on the Right(Same Side as the first hand). This arm and hand is holding another melting version of Cynthia’s head, upside down. Both of it’s eyes are glowing blue. Then on the opposite side, where the second head burst out of, another arm bursts out of Cynthia’s extended neck. This arm splits into 2 hands, each holding a melting version of Cynthia’s head. The Bottom head’s left eye is yellow, and the top head’s eyes are pink. After this last thing, Cynthia continues swaying side to Side, using her arms to attack. Cynthia wears a pretty, Golden bow in her hair. Each head can speak, and all heads usually speak in unison. This secondary form is known as Lucky Seventhia.

Cynthia was once a normal human, and when undertaleCon came around, Cynthia wanted to cosplay as Lucky Seven. She used paint and chemicals to make herself look melted, and mechanics to make The extra arms and heads burst out. But something went horribly wrong, causing her to turn into Lucky Seven, but with her own twist on it. Cynthia, When not Lucky Seventhia, is not very talkative. Note: it’s also possible to unleash Lucky Seventhia, by making Cynthia happy. Cynthia is a quiet, not talkative being.