The Old Abandoned Mining Facility formerly owned by Karcaso Minerals. Nobody wants to go back, after the cave-in blocked the main entrance, and bringing up the place causes everyone in the Underground to go silent for a few moments, as rumors have spread about Ol’ Brigadaken, none of them good. They say the place is haunted, that the explosion that caved it in and left the place in ruins was caused by ghosts, that one can still hear the old souls of the place banging on the walls, screaming, trying to get out. Some say that some workers never left Ol’ Brigadaken, and will ensure that intruders never leave, either. When the cave-in happened 500 years ago, despite Karcaso Minerals having everything they needed to excavate the Cave and get the workers out, didn’t. They covered it up, and left the workers to die. It was all their fault. Recently, a new opening has been discovered, and because of it, 10 people have gone missing in the last month. Search parties are no longer sent in as they are never seen again either.