Really long name!

Animagalovainia stands at 9 feet tall. It has a little sister, Locket Being 6: Animus. Animagalovainia’s skin is white. It’s eyes glow blood red. It has a blood red glowing outline. It’s very melted. It has 6 arms, the bottom four ending in claws. In it’s top left hand it carries a large paintbrush, and in it’s top right, it carries a sword. It wears brown gloves on all 6 arms that don’t cover the fingertips. It’s hair is blood red, and flows to it’s neck. It wears a black that fades to blue dress that goes down to it’s knees. It wears blue socks and brown shoes. It also has 4 bluish red tentacles that come out of it’s back. It does desire to protect it’s little sister. It also only speaks in a language that Only it’s sister can understand. It is rather friendly, and also always carries a grabby claw on a chain on it’s left hip. The claw is wrapped around it’s waist. It also has an 18 foot long shark tail between it’s legs. The Paintbrush it holds can paint things that then become real, but only It, and Animus can use it.