Chapter Two: Alone. (Zephim/Zeke) 4251-4256

The void-like place was empty, and endless. No matter how far he walked, he couldn’t seem to find anything. There was nobody around either, so he spent quite some time talking to himself. Time slowly lost meaning during his stay here, as there was nothing to keep track of time, and the watch he had, had completely stopped working. He grew tired of yelling and screaming, and to delay him losing his mind, he started to think. He realized that he needed to distance himself from the mistake he had made that had got him here in the first place. So, he spent a while Brainstorming names, finding quite a few rejects, but ultimately settling on The name we know him as today, Zeke Zyconeiam. As he pondered, he noticed small changes in the world around him. Odd feelings when he stepped into certain areas that were similar to what he felt as his former home collapsed, but… weaker. These effects did not hurt him, even as they grew stronger the longer Zeke remained in the Empty Void, the glitching seemed to… leave him alone, not register him as a potential thing to consume, though whether it was because it just couldn’t detect him, couldn’t consume him, or something else, Zeke would never figure out. During his time in the Pre-Errorspace he had a few breakdowns, his body glitching and breaking as he did so. He accepted these, and chose to hold on as his body suffered. Eventually, as these breakdowns happened, he began to hear a voice in the distance. Finally hearing something beyond his own voice, he decided to follow it, moving in the direction he thought it was coming from. Every time he heard it calling to him, he moved closer, until eventually, or it sounded extremely close. He looked around, and after a few seconds, His mother appeared before him, in the form of a glitching ghost. Zeke begged for forgiveness immediately, dropping to his knees, but Zaynah simply said: “I forgive you. I always have. You have been punished enough. I think it’s time you leave this horrible place.” Zeke was, understandably, horribly confused. So, Zaynah explained where he was, an empty place that was slowly being overcome by glitches, to fill the hole. Zaynah told him she knows a way to get him out. All he needed to do was promise to always believe in her, and hold her in his heart. He agreed, and so, Zaynah freed him. He found himself in a Large empty home-like place, with many rooms and areas. Zaynah told him that this was his new home, and to get settled in. He at long last was freed, and would later take up robotics and A form of science never properly specified. Parts of the home would remain unfilled for now, but he was happy. This would not exactly last, however, as something bad was soon to follow.