Chapter Two: A Good Life Cut Short. (Zephimi/Zara) 4251-4256

Over the Months following the end of Chapter One, Zephimi got herself a steady job as a Gardener, having apparently been in Calistan Prime’s registry of People despite never having been in the Place before. With the money she got from her job, she bought herself a small apartment which was eventually replaced with a small home once she had saved up enough money. According to the Real-Estate Agent who sold her the House, the Last resident was an odd Man Who constantly claimed that he would eventually become a Great Salesman. When asked why he left, the Real-Estate Agent stated that he had suddenly become Successful, and had moved to a bigger house to flaunt his Success. When he left, he left behind one single Item, a Black Rotary Telephone. The Telephone remained consistently silent, and thus, Zara went along with her life as normal. That is, until she saw someone new. A new worker at the Garden she worked at. Tall, Muscular, great personality, he was the best! Zara found herself in love with him within 30 minutes of meeting him. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t muster up the courage and approach him. So she waited. And waited. And waited. A month passed, with her finding more and more evidence that he was the best guy ever. And he would have CONTINUED to wait, had she not gotten a phone call on the Old Black Rotary Telephone, that very next day. While she was getting ready for work, dreading seeing him again and freezing up, the Phone Began to ring. But it wasn’t the phone she was expecting. Rather than her normal House Phone, it was The Old Black Rotary Telephone, that had been left behind by the previous owner of the residence. Intrigued, She picked up the phone, and Heard A voice she’s never heard before. “I’ve heard from my sources, that you’ve got a crush on someone, but simply cannot work up the courage to ask him out. Correct?” The Voice asked. “….. you are correct. Who are you?” Responded Zara, Intrigued. “Who I am is not important. What is Important, is that I’m going to instruct you on asking him out.” The voice Said. “Really? How could you possibly help?” Zara asked, not believing him. “Yes really. Firstly you’ll need to build confidence. You don’t have the Confidence to walk up to him and strike Conversation.”