Chapter One: A Beginning. (Zephim and Zephimi)

Zaynah Zerio Was a kind lady and goddess of creation, who had made many children. Most if not all understood they were created, not Birthed, and while those that didn’t know tended to react in different ways when they found out, from Upset to enraged to saddened, none proved truly dangerous. That is, until Zephim Zerionium came along. Zaynah had been trying a new way of creating Children, and Zephim, along with his Sister Zephimi, were the result. The method was far from perfect however, and thus, Zephim was always Odd, right from the start, given he appeared with misaligned Gender, appearing Male but with a Female’s Reproductive organs, Unlike his Sister, Zephimi, Who was notably Normal. He and Zephimi were also created younger than most, instead of being an adult, they were made to appear roughly 16 years old, and quickly aged up to a rough age of 32. Both had heard mentions that Zaynah’s children were created, not Birthed, but he refused to believe it. This Belief came crumbling down one day, when Zaynah sat him down, and explained to him that he was created, not birthed. Zephim’s World broke that day, though it didn’t start immediately. At first, he thought Zaynah was joking, and tried to laugh it off. But Zaynah insisted it was true, at which point Zephim stood up and walked away, to try and process what he was told. As his view of himself, which was that he was special, crumbled, for the first time he uttered a phrase that would eventually become his Mantra. “Keep it together.” At the time he didn’t realize how much weight that one phrase truly had. Zaynah, on the other hand, who was told next, Had a relatively tame Reaction, as if she had already known. That day, while Zephim was off, alone, he learned of another imperfection he had. As he tried to piece his world back together, his mind swimming with thoughts of imperfection and not being special, for the first time, he destabilized, his own body and voice cutting off his speech, with a voice like his own, but different. This scared him, and he tried to get it to stop, but his fear made him destabilize and glitch even more. He became horrified with himself, and angry with his own mother, blaming her for what was happening to him. This would form the roots of his hatred of her. It took him a while to calm down, but eventually, he did. During this Time, Zara was playing in the River nearby. She thought she had learned enough throughout the past lessons. to swim against the currents. However, once she actually got into them, she found herself quickly being swept away. As this happened, her head Swirled with thoughts. Thoughts like “Is this how I die?”, “Why can’t I swim!”, “Somebody help me!”, “Can’t see… can’t breathe….” And “This is the end…. Isn’t it…”, rushed through her head, before She felt a hand grab her, and quickly yank her out of the water. She was cold, and soaked, and was quickly wrapped in a towel and Cradled in her Mother’s Arms. It took her a while to calm down, and her opinion of water was forever changed after that day. Once Zephim calmed down, he behaved normally for the most part, only acting odd when in Zaynah’s presence. He did seem more distant than normal though. A year or two passed without any oddities or weird happenings around Zephim, as far as the Other Five, and Zaynah were aware. The only one who noticed something was up, was Zephimi. She tried to question Zephim, but got absolutely nothing out of him beyond a sense of something being wrong with him. This Really worried her, and she debated telling Zaynah, but was afraid that her brother would hate her for it, so she didn’t, at least, not yet. She would learn to regret this decision later on. Eventually, Zephim became more distant, started talking to people less. What he DID say, was almost always under the scope of Insane mutterings and ramblings. One of the most common things he said related to becoming normal, freeing himself from his creator. During this period, Zephim found a knife, and often spent time sharpening it. Every time Zephimi saw Him sharpening this knife, a chill went down her spine. She knew something was very wrong, her brother had never behaved this way before! And, to her credit, she did try to help, three times actually, but was quickly chased off when Zephim yelled at her to go, with a mad look in his eyes Zephimi had never once seen before. This Look scared Zephimi more than anything else so far, and after the third time she saw it, she knew she couldn’t just let this go anymore. She had to Tell Mom. So, Zephimi told Zaynah about how Zephim was behaving, speaking very quickly. It took a few times of repeating it slower and slower for Zaynah to finally understand, and when she did, She told Zephimi to go have fun with the flowers and not worry about her brother, promising she would take care of it, so Zephimi ran off to do just that. With Zephimi gone, Zaynah went to her personal quarters to think. And after a period of thought she decided to pay a visit to Him. This would unfortunately spell her death, and the End of this world with it. Zephim was busy scrawling his ramblings in his notebook, when Zaynah walked in. He was caught by surprise, and in that moment, he Took up the knife he had found the previous week, and stabbed Zaynah in the shoulder, tackling her to the ground. He then stabbed her seven other times, ensuring she was dead. The Last thing Zaynah saw was Zephim’s face, staring down at her, pure hatred in his eyes. At this Moment, Something changed in the world around him. All the colors faded slightly, everything became less vibrant, and the small feelings of Comfort and safety he once felt, faded away completely. The world felt… incomplete. Zephimi, who was playing with naturally bright and colorful flowers at the time, just as Zaynah asked her to, noticed the change instantly, as the flowers before her, Faded. Scared and concerned, Zephimi thought that something was wrong, and ran as fast as she could towards her shared house with Zephim, bracing herself for the worst. But nothing could prepare her for what she would see. A few minutes later, Zephimi ran into the house, noticing an eerie silence, which scared her even more. She quickly ran up the stairs. The First thing she saw was Zephim, covered in blood, and a knife in his hand. This already horrified her, but upon looking down, she saw Zaynah, lying on the floor in a puddle of her own blood. She was Horrified, her mother was DEAD! She Screamed out in Horror. Her scream alerted The Other five, and so they ran in, and Saw what Zephimi had seen. As a result, they screamed and yelled at Zephim for what he had done, during which he simply remained silent. When they had calmed down enough, they threw him in the Closet of one of the Rooms and locked him in there. Then, they worked together to try and find A Solution to the new problem they had. As the Eldest, Number One, said, the world was ending. With Zaynah gone, there was nobody there to keep it together. So they had to find someone to take her place, or die with the world. But they could never agree, they fought the entire time as the world slowly collapsed around them. And all the While, Zephim remained locked away in the closet, alone with his thoughts. As the world broke down, things began to Glitch, which Zephim only noticed when his closet began to glitch. The Five and Zephimi were terrified as this began, Zephimi had been left out this entire time, to her own devices. The Five became desperate, trying to do anything to fix it, they even Let Zephim out and Called Zephimi over, in the hope of them being able to help. But, nothing worked, and with only a short period of time left to go, they were all doomed, so the Five huddled together in the center of the Small Village Zaynah had established, waiting for death. Zephimi and Zephim on the Other hand, simply waited together, as they weren’t welcome with the Five due to their failures. By this time, all color had become horribly faded, and a feeling of inescapable emptiness plagued the seven Children. Everyone had accepted their Fate, as everything started to madly glitch around them. Even the Five began to glitch. Zephim and Zephimi however, did not. As if they were…. Immune somehow. They got into an argument, Zephimi yelling at Zephim that this was all his fault, and Zephimi ran off, leaving Zephim all alone. A few minutes later, the Entire World Glitched and crumbled, everything vanishing at once. Zephim Found himself in a void of white. There wasn't anybody to talk to, nothing to see. The world had Collapsed. He was all alone. Zephimi on the other hand, found herself flung into a new world, a comfortable looking City, Calistan Prime. She dusted herself off, mustered her courage, and walked into the City, to start her new life.


Zephim’s Story is Held Within the A Chapters. Zephimi’s, within the B Chapters. A and B Chapters take place mostly at the Same time. The C Chapters, Belonging to Salesman Jack, are a bit Misaligned, and Chapter One C will start below this Notice, with The C Prologue starting Above A Beginning.