Everyone's favorite Post-Gabriel Rompette!

OC Name: Millie.

Age (Not Required): error

Height: 10ft.

Gender: Female.

Pronouns: She/it.

Affiliations: Romps, Post and Pre Gabriel.

Role: Renegade and anomaly.

Abilities: Slight Shapeshifting, spreading unintentional dread.

Typical Weaponry: Sword, Makeshift Morningstar, Umbrella that acts like a spear, Shield.

Strengths: Heightened Mobility, Speed.

Weaknesses: Cannot control emotions.


She knew something was wrong the moment she opened her eyes. Everything around her felt off. Something was not right. A feeling of dread was strongly present, and somewhere within her mind, worry for the safety of her pet and family took hold. She quickly got out of bed and got herself ready for the day, and went about to wake her family up, the dread nagging at her mind, and only increasing when she saw that her pack was missing. They wouldn’t leave without telling her, they simply wouldn’t! And yet… they were gone! Their den was empty! Her concern transformed into growing worry and fear. She didn’t know what happened to them! The dread grew stronger, pressing into her soul as she made a mad dash to where her pet was kept. Only to find it was missing too, it’s collar laying on the ground. Upon seeing this, she collapsed to her knees in front of it, the worry turning into crippling sorrow, as she became distraught at the sight of her missing pet. She didn’t know what to do, the fear, the dread, the sorrow, it was all too much to bear. Without her pack and her pet, she was nothing! She knew there was only one solution, and so she strung up the rope, wrapped it around her neck, and jumped. Her neck snapped instantly, and she was plunged into darkness. She couldn’t see anything. She stayed there, gently swinging side to side, when suddenly in the darkness, she started to hear something. Whispers, steadily getting louder, along with an increasing sense of dread. She couldn’t move. She should be dead, why was she hearing things! Suddenly, she felt something grab one of her hands, and felt a paralyzing chill rush through her. The whispers were so loud she couldn’t hear anything else, as she felt the chill spread throughout her body. She began to feel… different. Wrong. The overwhelming sensation was too much, and her brain overloaded, shutting itself off. Later on, she suddenly opened her eyes. Somehow she was… alive? Despite her neck being broken. She started squirming, flailing about, and somehow managed to cut the rope holding her up. She fell to the floor in a heap, but managed to stand up. She looked down at herself, her dress was all dirty and torn. She felt so weird, so… wrong. She ran to the bathroom to look at herself, and screamed at what she saw. Half of her face was obscured in shadow, with seven glowing dots that looked around like eyes present in it. She was so scared! She ran to the full body mirror in her bedroom, and screamed again as she saw her new legs, her ruined dress, and shadowy tail. She had become something else… a monster! It was then that she heard a whisper again, this time, much more defined. “I have denied you death, and granted you a gift. You have been transformed into something more. Something better.” The whisper said. It was in that moment that anger began to grow within her, quickly taking control. She screamed at the whispering voice, telling it to stop, and went on a rampage, shattering every single mirror in her house. She noticed her pet’s collar and chain, and picked it up, intending to use it as a makeshift Morningstar. But as she held it, her sorrow took hold once more, and she threw herself onto her bed, crying herself a River of tears. It would take her a few weeks to get used to her new self. From then on, her life was changed permanently. The whisper was right. She had become something more.

Extra Info: Despises Gabriel, mimics Cesar’s voice when stressed, easily angered.

Commshandle: PrincessNoMore.


She stands at ten feet tall. She has long black hair that falls to her shoulders, her dress is torn, bloody, and dirty, she has grey skin except for in her Upper left arm, left side of her face, legs, and tail, which are all a shadowy black, her right eye is a light green, the left side of her face is covered in darkness with seven white eyes staring out from it, her legs are Digitigrade, ending in black boots, her upper left hand, which holds the makeshift Morningstar made out of the chain and collar of her lost romp Beast, oddly has a shadowy black arm attached to it. She’s covered in scars and her eye is irritated and red as if she’s been sobbing a lot. In her upper right hand is her umbrella, modified into a spear, her lower left holds a sword she stole from an agent who had it, and her lower right holds a makeshift shield.


The Last of her kind, after Gabriel came in and wiped her species out. Existing as a half beast, half Pre-Gabriel Romp and half Post-Gabriel romp, she has stuff from both sides. Having lost her beloved Romp Beast and the pack of romps she adopted in Gabriel’s changing of the romps, she is heartbroken and upset, the very name of Gabriel driving her into an absolute rage. Despite having a link to Gabriel, she denies his will through the sheer power of her fury.

Armed with a sword in her bottom right hand, the Chain and spiked collar of her lost Romp Beast in her upper Left, used as a Morning Star, her Weaponized Spear Umbrella in her Upper right, and a shield in her bottom left, she has armed herself for battle, to fight any monsters or enemies that dare threaten her life.

She used to act as a Princess, with her special pink dress and crown. Her pack were her subjects. But now that she lost them all, and was turned into a half beast, she doesn’t feel like a Princess anymore.

Romps are typically about six feet tall, so a Rompette is about nine feet tall, and she is about 10 feet tall due to the modifications Gabriel made to her.

Oddly, her appearance is a mix of Pre-Gabriel Romp and Post-Gabriel romp, the left side of her face enshrouded in darkness with multiple white eyes staring out, all across it. About Seven of them. Due to this, she despises mirrors as they force her to see the monster she has become. She is about ten feet tall. She wears a torn, blood splattered, dirt covered pink dress that goes down to her knees. Her legs appear to be Digitigrade, and are pitch black, just like the left side of her face. Oddly enough, she still has her silver crown with a light green gem in the front center. It just hangs lopsidedly on the right side of her head, bent and dirty. Her right eye has an abnormal light green pupil, and her hair is pure black, falling to her shoulders. She lacks ears, but does have a long black shadow tail that resembles a cat. Seriously a cat rompette? It is oddly soft for being a shadow, and can be used to grip extra objects. She looks all scratched and roughed up, several tears and scratches all over her face, hands and feet. Her eye is red and irritated, as if she’s been crying a lot. Despite looking like she hasn’t had a proper shower in months she doesn’t smell like absolute garbage. Rather she smells almost like sweet cherry candy. If one gets close enough, at least. She gets to be special since she’s the last one! Oddly, she does have an upper left arm, made out of shadows.

Commshandle: PrincessNoMore.

She lives in a destroyed old house deep within the outskirts. All the mirrors there have been shattered, and the bed stained with oceans of tears. She has a slight French accent, and can speak fluent French. SHE WOULD FIGHT GABRIEL!!

When the incident with Gabriel initially happened, she was overcome with Grief, distraught at the sight of her missing pet, and so, she hanged herself, snapping her neck. She didn’t die, and this is when the effects of Gabriel came in, transforming her into what she is now, and denying her death, allowing her to continue to live with a broken neck, making her grief and absolute fury towards Gabriel even worse.

She can turn her hands into extremely sharp claws In the rare chance she’s caught without her weapons.

She got her shield from someplace unknown, but considers it special.

Despite all her hands being occupied, she still has the pointing problem.

Due to being half Pre-Gabriel Romp, she cannot change her form entirely.

She often hears whispers, typically when alone, and these make her upset. Who these whispers belong to is unknown, though she believes it is Gabriel.

She has the ability to mimic voices, most commonly Cesar’s, and does this when stressed. She also can mimic the chirps and purrs of her old pack.


General Rompette:

All Rompettes have black eyes, no hair, wear grey, black and white dresses, have grey skin, wear grey boots, and carry grey umbrellas. Sometimes ones with a different colored dress can be seen. Millie is an example of one of them.


Before Gabriel came along and ruined everything, Our beloved Millie was more or less normal. She did have her abnormalities among Rompettes, but those didn’t stop her. She stood at nine feet tall. She had the typical grey skin, but for some reason had light green eyes instead of the standard Black. She was also bald, and wore a silver crown on the top of her head. She wore a pretty pink dress that fell to her knees, and the typical grey shoes. She looked friendly and approachable. In her upper left hand she carried a chain attached to her beloved Romp Beast, in her upper right she carried her standard grey umbrella, and her bottom two were reserved for pointing.

Post Gabriel:

She stands at ten feet tall. She has long black hair that falls to her shoulders, her dress is torn, bloody, and dirty, she has grey skin except for in her Upper left arm, left side of her face, legs, and tail, which are all a shadowy black, her right eye is a light green, the left side of her face is covered in darkness with seven white eyes staring out from it, her legs are Digitigrade, ending in black boots, her upper left hand, which holds the makeshift Morningstar made out of the chain and collar of her lost romp Beast, oddly has a shadowy black arm attached to it. She’s covered in scars and her eye is irritated and red as if she’s been sobbing a lot. In her upper right hand is her umbrella, modified into a spear, her lower left holds a sword she stole from an agent who had it, and her lower right holds a makeshift shield.

A New Tragedy

Recently, a new forest, filled with an aura of darkness and menace, sprung up around Millie’s house… as if it was targeting her. She decided to investigate the Forest, curious about it… but the more she investigated, the more concerned she began to feel. The Forest had no markings, and it was easy to get lost. Yet somehow, she always found her way back to her old house. The more she investigated, the more she grew concerned, yet… there was a growing feeling of safety. If she knew her way around the Forest, It would be next to impossible for her to be found, since the Forest was virtually a maze. Anyone who entered would get lost! ….if only she could find her way out. She was complacent to remain in the Forest, she had enough food to stay alive until she found an exit, and oddly, the whispers had not been active since the Forest appeared, as if something was keeping them away. She kept wandering, getting more and more familiar with the place, eventually leaving markings around the place for her to find, things were going good! But, one day, she noticed grass that had been broken, as if someone had recently passed. She followed the trail, and… she found a body… it was an agent, just… laying there… lifeless. There wasn’t any visible cause of death… but the agent’s face was frozen in a look of pure terror… Millie shrugged the corpse off, and walked away. She used it as a landmark, as she continued to explore. But the more she explored, the more bodies she found… each one had an increasingly more gruesome death, with the last one being simply a pool of blood and… the agent’s heart. But, somehow, she didn’t seem to mind. She had always hated agents, and thought their deaths were deserved. However, she DID become concerned, when she saw a new symbol carved into a tree. A circle with an x drawn through it greeted her, just outside of her house, carved on a tree five feet away, and carved inexplicably deep. She was concerned by how close the carving was, but after seeing no broken grass, she decided to shrug it off. She went out on another exploration.. and only grew more concerned when she saw… more of the symbols… hundreds of them, carved into every single available surface, carved again, inexplicably deep. When she looked closer, she realized that they were in the shape of a tall figure, wearing a suit and tie. She decided to stop exploring, suddenly feeling sleepy, and returned to her house, laying in her bed. Her dream was highly abnormal, she was exploring the Forest, and there was a constant sound of a helicopter overhead, and deep, rumbling noises… she was collecting pages, all containing drawings of that mysterious tall figure… As she collected more of them, she grew more and more uneasy, seeing a tall figure in a suit and tie out of the corner of her eyes. She kept collecting the pages, the figure getting closer and closer, the ambient noises getting louder and louder and louder, until at 7/8 they built into a powerful cacophony, overwhelming her mind, but the final page was in sight and she made a wild run for it. When she finally collected them all… everything went completely silent… but there was a growing sense of anxiety, fear, and crushing dread, that grew stronger and stronger and stronger. Her head started to buzz, accompanied by a growing ringing noise that got stronger and stronger and stronger. She was paralyzed, she couldn’t move, the feelings and the noise got worse and worse and worse, as the tall figure slowly approached, becoming more and more clear. When she could take no more, everything went black, her eyes shriveled out of existence, her stomach inverted, and her heart caved in, and then… nothing. When she awoke from her dream… she was laying there… in the Forest… a single page placed by her head. It contained… a scribbled drawing of her… with the tall figure in the background, watching her. She stood up, looking around nervously. She didn’t know what to think… so she just Forced it out of her mind, choosing to assume that she simply sleepwalked and sleep drew. She started walking back to her house, but… when she got there… She saw that there was another page on the door. It was a drawing of the tall figure, surrounded by several no’s, and the circle with an x through it. She grew increasingly more nervous, and the second she picked up the note… she heard the helicopter flying overhead. She grew very anxious, she tried her door but found it was locked. Realizing she had no choice, she started wandering again… and just like in her dream, she saw the figure in the distance. As she stared at it, she felt the buzzing come back, growing stronger and stronger the longer she stared. She quickly turned away, and the buzzing faded. She kept wandering, eventually stumbling upon another page, depicting a Forest, and the phrase “can’t run” underneath. She picked it up, the droning ambience starting up. She kept wandering, seeing the figure more often now, and came across another corpse, this time of a Soldat, with a suspicious face injury, and another page on it. She grew more worried, as the page depicted the Soldat’s death… the weapon killing it looking horrifyingly similar to Millie’s umbrella spear. She picked up the note, the ambience growing even stronger, along with her growing dread. She kept exploring, the Forest almost seeming darker. She could swear she was being watched, she felt the figure everywhere around her. She kept running, finding a page on a mutilated agent corpse, it’s drawing done in blood, depicting simply the agent’s head… a circle with a crown inside it and an x over the top, carved into the agent’s face. As she picked it up, her head started to pound, her vision blurring. She kept running, fighting off her growing feeling of dizziness. She somehow knew the figure was behind her. She dared to turn around, and her vision immediately went white, the buzzing overpowering everything. Somehow, she turned away, the buzzing and the white fading, and she kept running. She knew the figure was behind her… and yet it wasn’t attacking… it was almost as if it was observing? She stumbled upon another page, stuck on a tree. It was simply blank… upon staring at it, Millie felt the buzzing come back, immediately overpowering her and causing her to black out. She woke up, a deep cut in her arm, and the page in her hand, painted in her own blood. It depicted her… oddly wearing a… tie? She got up, shrugging it off, knowing she needed to keep moving. She exploded high and low, the ambience blasting in her ears, it was overwhelming. She eventually circled back to her house… and discovered the door was open. She found a note laying on her bed… simply displaying a Forest again. She collected it… and then… Everything went white. She felt the figure in front of her, felt something cold grab hold of her. Her mind was rushed with feelings and urges she didn’t understand, and she blacked out… When she finally woke up… she was surrounded by… hundreds of corpses of agents, grunts, soldats, engineers and mags, all of them torn apart. She found a single note laying next to her… a growing sense of dread in her mind. The note made her blood run cold… it depicted… her… with tentacles… towering over a grunt… she was wearing a suit over her dress… and the text underneath read… “Of all the monsters in our hell, it’s for her that they fell… my proxy.” She blacked out from the stress. When she awoke… she was laying on her bed… and when she sat up, she saw herself in the mirror. A cracked mask sat upon her face, white and featureless, exposing the black half of her face, the seven eyes staring out clearly. She was wearing a black suit with a pink tie over her dress… and her one black arm had grown longer. Desperate for some fresh air, she walked out of her house… and saw that the darkness was gone, for the most part. The whispering came back, this time double… she… had become something even more. She… she was a Rompette, an alter-romp, and a proxy, all in one… she was even more of a monster than she had been before. She laughed a little, a broken laugh full of madness at the overwhelming amount of emotion she was feeling. What had she become?

Proxified Huntress

OC Name: Allure

Age (Not Required): Unknown.

Height: 10ft.

Gender: Proxy.

Pronouns: She/It/Proxy.

Affiliations (Organizations and Friends): The Tall One.

Role if In Organization: Proxy.

Abilities: Teleportation.

Typical Weaponry: Tentacles, claws.

Strengths: Omnipresent unkillable threat within forest.

Weaknesses: Weak as any other entity outside of forest.

Backstory: See A New Tragedy.

Extra Info:

Commshandle: Princess By Proxy

Description if Written: